My mom

[somewhere around the belly button aches. For a long time now, actually.] My mom has the best SEO rankings you will ever see. I love how I'm not even kidding! Statistically, she probably has better tracking than many of the companies by which I get paid anywhere from $15 to $25 dollars an hour - or more! to communally end up doing worse than her. Una foto de nadis que no sé ni de dónde saqué. Algo en su textura me llama la atención "Take a look" and "give it a try!": Lines I avoid as I write ads; I don't want to be anywhere near that offensive. A client can tell when someone doesn't know what a person is talking about. - I sometimes filter those people is what I wish I could say, but...who am I to pass judgment? Who will work - who will not? Education: Seriously? My country rages in social media fire over gender-neutral bathrooms this and politics that. My country is on Facebook fire or Instagram hatred over an issue people are ...